
You may contact the Bolão da Copa™ Master Committee at

The time to submit predictions is over. Everybody's predictions are available here.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

French kiss of death

This is a first... Greece scored a goal in the World Cup. And not just one, two! Did you predict it? In that case, you did well.
If you bet on France advancing to the second round, on the other hand, you are in trouble. It now looks difficult to achieve. Anyway, you couldn't possibly have done worse than Cabeça de Macaco: instead of climbing the Bolão ladder like a macaco he is sliding it down like a drunken bruin. He is now at position 99 (down from 76 yesterday). How did you do? Click!!!


  1. Today, I did as well as macaco...

  2. Marulo se la sabe lunga!!

  3. How many bet on Uruguay AND Mexico advancing?

  4. What will happend with Cabeça de Macaco after the worldcup? I want to adopt him

  5. It will be very sad to watch Mex 0 x 0 Uru. Hope Mexico go crazy and win the game, and France wake up. Thierry may use God's hand in his service again. Allez les bleus
